Building a Home: The Essential Checklist for Success


Building a custom home is an exciting yet complex endeavor. To ensure a successful project, its important for builders to follow a comprehensive checklist that covers every stage of the process. This guide outlines the essential steps and highlights how Digs, a robust collaboration software, can help ensure each step is completed smoothly for all stakeholders.

1. Define Your Client’s Vision


  • Define the budget

  • Discover must-have features and desired design elements

  • Create a preliminary timeline

How Digs Helps:

Digs provides a platform to document and share your vision with your client.  This ensures everyone is aligned from the start and helps prevent misunderstandings down the road.

2. Select the Right Team


  • Assess clients needs and timeline

  • Choose an architect and designer (if needed)

  • Invite collaborators (subcontractors and specialist) to the project in Digs

How Digs Helps:

Digs allows you to create a project team within the platform, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among all parties. You can easily track each team member’s responsibilities and contributions.

3. Finalize Design and Planning with Collaborators


  • Develop detailed architectural plans

  • Obtain necessary permits and approvals

  • Review and approve the final budget

How Digs Helps:

Digs consolidates all design documents, permits, and budget documentation in one place. This central repository ensures that everyone has access to the latest plans and approvals, minimizing delays and errors.

4. Pre-Construction Preparation


  • Prepare the construction site

  • Order materials and schedule deliveries

  • Set up a communication plan

How Digs Helps:

Digs' collaboration tools enable you to comment and assigns tasks, take pictures or upload files, and set up a communication plan that includes regular updates and check-ins. This preparation helps ensure a smooth start to construction.

5. Monitor Construction Progress


  • Document and capture progress with pictures to easily upload in Digs

  • Communicate frequently with the client

  • Address any issues or changes promptly

How Digs Helps:

Digs provides real-time updates and progress tracking, allowing you to monitor the construction remotely. The platform’s communication features facilitate timely discussions and quick resolution of any issues that arise. Any changes that are made will be reflected in the digital floorplan so everyone is on the same page.

6. Quality Control and Inspections


  • Schedule regular quality control checks

  • Ensure compliance with building codes and standards

  • Conduct final inspections before project completion

How Digs Helps:

Digs’ documentation and tracking tools help maintain all important info about the home build and its progress. Easily communicate delays, timeliness or inspection updates with your clients and collaborations. The platform ensures that all parties are informed about upcoming inspections and any compliance requirements.

7. Final Walkthrough and Handover


  • Perform a final walkthrough with the client

  • Create a punch list of any remaining tasks

  • Ensure all systems and finishes are complete

How Digs Helps:

Digs facilitates the communication and assigning of tasks, ensuring that all final tasks are completed before handover. The platform helps document the walkthrough process and any last-minute changes or fixes.

8. Post-Construction Support


  • Provide clients with a digital binder of all important build documents and files

  • Address any post-build issues promptly

  • Maintain open lines of communication for future support and warranty management

How Digs Helps:

Digs extends support beyond the construction phase by providing a platform for ongoing communication. Builders can offer post-build assistance and warranty management, ensuring that clients feel supported and satisfied with their new home.

A successful custom home building project requires meticulous planning, clear communication, and effective collaboration. By following this essential checklist and leveraging Digs, builders can ensure a smoother, more efficient building process. Digs’ comprehensive features support every stage of the project, from initial planning to post-construction support, helping to deliver a home that meets all expectations and stands the test of time.

Digs is a collaboration software solution for home builders, vendors, and homeowners that provides more efficient file storage, collaboration, and homeowner handoff for home construction projects.

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